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Color Wars

What is Color Wars?

Color wars is a special event we host every year right before Spring Break.  We create new teams of athletes within the same age group and have a round robin tournament on a week night to replace practice for that week.  We provide t-shirts to the teams to be worn on tournament night and encourage oodles of team spirit for this event.  In the past we have seen the kids paint their faces, wear matching tutus, make signs, put glitter in their hair, and wear hats to match their team's theme.  This is meant to be a celebration of their progress in the sport and historically it has been a very fun night for the athletes.


But the fun doesn't stop with them!  This is an awesome night to bring friends and family who wouldn't otherwise attend a regular tournament.  There is lots of action and we can get the tournament done in about 2 hours so this is perfect for grandparents or busy aunts and uncles to come see the girls progress.  The best part of the night for our guests is the serving game!  Admission for spectators is $5.00, students are free.  Entry into the serving game is also $5.00.

What is the serving game?

For $5 you can buy your way in to the serving game.  We arrange lots of vintage Spirit Volleyball gear on the gym floor,  we'll line up all of our participants close to the net opposite side of the net, and if your serve hits something you get to keep it!  You get lots of tries to serve the ball and we'll have multiple lines going at once so you don't need to worry about your serving skills.  This is fun for everyone in the family so be sure to buy your $5 ticket early!  

March 10 Color Wars

Team 1

Libby Ashline

Maya Andersen

Riley Ransom

Taylor Stanley

Kim Catania

Team 2

Kerina Robison

Jade Van Brunt

Taelyn Tolle

Thomas Balgo

Katelyn Feltner

Team 5

Winter Robinson

Zoe Szmidt

Faith LaBoy

Victoria Wilkie

Julie Davila

Niki Anagnostis


Team 3

Meghan Bocinsky

Gabrialla O'Hagan

Carrie Scheeler

Taylor Kelley

Lorraine Oliveira

Team 4

Hailey Trillo

Vanessa Reed

Bria De La Hoz

Rachel Tysenn

Sarah Livengood

Team 6

Hayley Oo

Mariah Morales

Bella King

Alex Pollan

Lauren Petrie


March 11 Color Wars

Team 1

Ameera Babooram

Avery Myers

Gabbie Sailsman

Camila Gonzalez

Libby Ashline

Mariah Morales

Kerina Robison


Team 4

Brandon Davila

Kilee Whyte

Ali Myers

Winter Robinson

Carrie Scheeler

Vanessa Reed

Alex Pollan


Team 2

Eva Parker

Lily Collier

Haley Hefner

Mahara Araujo

Meghan Bocinsky

Brai De La Hoz

Bella King

Zoe Szmidt


Team 5

Jolie Iten

 Mackenzie Reilly

Maiya Jackson

Hayley Oo

Maya Andersen

Gabbie O'Hagan

Jade Van Brunt


Team 3

Natasha Lee

Aura Wrend

Sophia Pallante

Hailey Trillo

Riley Ransom

Taelyn Tolle

Victoria Wilkie


March 12 Color Wars

Team 1

Audrey Herbert

Emily Prasse

Jordan Beauregard

Adlee Ramos

Lovissa Felix

Jade Vanderwyst


Team 2

Kyle Hollenbeck

Alyson Reynolds

Nayumi Araujo

Reese Ransom

Elena LaPorta

Mallory Wright


Team 5

Sarah Lewis

Bryce Zimmer

Emily Livengood

Destinee Blain

Maegan Mercado


Team 3

Sofia Muni

Kaylee Vanoy

McKenna Burr

Samantha McCarter

Eva Lin


Team 4

Anna Livengood

Kyrah Yackel

Kiren Farooqui

Bebe Stockton

Ariana Lugardo


Team 6

Paulina Plaza

Maddy Adair

Rachel Matthiesen

Addison Derfuss

Kyla Payton


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